2011 October
Click here to read the newsletter for details of Bingo Night cum AAA Presentation Dinner. Reply form and payment to be received by Friday, November 4, 2011. Please register early to reserve your spot.
2011 September Fun Game Night
Click here to view the pictures.
Sister Agnes McKeirnan, R.I.P.
"I am so sorry to bring you the sad news about our beloved Sister (Rose Eileen) Agnes McKeirnan's passing. Sister passed away peacefully to her Heavenly Father at about 1.30 p.m. today, September 5, 2011.
Sister would be 102 on October 1, 2011. Sister Agnes was not sick but since the beginning of July this year, Sister became weaker and weaker physically and needed oxygen to breathe. Today, her breathing became shallower and shallower. At last, her breathing stopped and she went back to God peacefully. Let us pray for the repose of her soul.
Last week, some former students from both MSS and MCS visited Sister and Cynthia Pon (MCS 1978) came all the way from Washington, DC to be with Sister for the whole weekend -- day and night Cynthia was at Sister's bedside.
Arrangements for Wake and Funeral are pending.
In memory of Sister Agnes, if you wish you might want to send a check payable to Maryknoll Sisters in lieu of flowers. If so, please address the envelope to Sister Teresa Leung, Alumnae Office, Maryknoll Sisters Center, P.O. Box 311, Maryknoll, NY 10545-0311. And I shall email you to thank you immediately. Or you may wish to donate on our web site: www.maryknollsisters.org.
Let us pray for one another at this period of grief and sorrow for losing our beloved Sister Agnes.
Gratefully,Sister Teresa Leung
TLeung@mksisters.org "
2011 September
September 2011 Newsletter is available now. Please click here to view.
25th Anniversary and Fund-raising Gala Dinner - June 2009
Click here to see all pictures and here to place your order.
The Biennial General Meeting
Friday, May 16, 2008 at the Granite Club of Toronto. The Executive Committee members of 2008 – 2010 were elected. Their names and posts are on the page "At Your Service".
The Academic Achievement Awards Dinner
Sunday, December 2, 2007 at the Galaxy Restaurant in Richmond Hill.
The AAA recipients were Chelsea Chan, daughter of Christine Cheung (1971) and
Alison Little, daughter of Linda da Rocha (1971).
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